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Confessions of a Nurse

Nurses are the human face of the NHS, but what do we really know about them? In this highly intimate observational series, nurses  nurses to confess what they really think about their jobs, the NHS and us, the patients. 

4 x 60 – Channel 4 / More 4

“The excellent, Confessions of a Nurse is less about what happens and more about who it happens to – the people, rather than the procedures. Intimate and sympathetic.”

— The Guardian


“Revealing, harrowing but important viewing”

— Time Out 

“…Confessions of a Nurse used subtler, more genuinely observational scenes, and the film’s joy came from the way it allowed the personal story of each nurse to playfully come out.”

— The Telegraph


“If you think junior doctors have it bad, this series about the over-worked, underpaid nurses in Birmingham is a real eye-opener. It’s not for the faint-hearted.”

— Radio Times